mourn victims of 9/11
By Larry McShane
Associated Press
NEW YORK Two by two they stepped forward at ground
zero Thursday, the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews,
grandsons and granddaughters of the Sept. 11 victims,
mournfully reciting the 2,792 names of the World Trade
Center dead.
My mother and my hero, 13-year-old Brian
Terzian said after reading the name of his mother, Stephanie
McKenna, We love you.
For a second straight year, the nation paused on a bright
September morning to recall the day when hijacked jetliners
slammed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and
a field in Pennsylvania, killing more than 3,000 people
in the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history.
In New York, 200 children led the mourning, showing
extraordinary poise as they read the enormous list of
victims for 2 1/2 hours. Church bells tolled at the
moment hijacked Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville,
Pa. A moment of silence was observed at the Pentagon
for the 184 victims there. And President Bush stood
in silence on the White House lawn.
We remember the heroic deeds, Bush said.
We remember the compassion, the decency of our
fellow citizens on that terrible day. We pray for the
husbands and wives, the moms and dads, and the sons
and daughters and loved ones.
The relatives at ground zero appeared in various sad
permutations: Police Sgt. Michael Curtin was represented
by his three daughters, Jennifer, 17, Erica, 15, and
Heather, 13. Kristen Canillas, 12, stood alongside 8-year-old
Christopher Cardinali; both had lost a grandparent.
I love you and I miss you, Kristen said
after reciting the name of her grandfather, Anthony
The children the youngest was 7 offered
poignant messages to their lost loves ones, their emotions
laid bare before a crowd that held aloft pictures of
the victims, dabbed tears from their eyes, and laid
flowers in temporary reflecting pools representing the
The two years since the attack seemed to disappear as
speakers surrendered to their emotions.
My daddy, Gerard Rod Coppola, said Angela
Coppola, 20, her voice cracking. Your light still
Brannon Burke, 13, and her 10-year-old sister Kyleen
wore matching blue Engine Co. 21 sweatshirts with buttons
bearing the face of fire Capt. William Burke Jr.
their beloved Uncle Billy, a second-generation firefighter.
Its heartbreaking and its heartwarming
when you hear them say, My father, my mother,
my aunt, said Betsy Parks of Bayonne, N.J.,
whose brother Robert was killed. Whats amazing
is the strength and resilience.
Some family members used their hands to scoop up dirt
from the site as a keepsake, slipping it into bags and
empty water bottles. For many, it may provide the only
link to their lost relatives; authorities estimate the
remains of as many as 1,000 victims may never be identified.
The crowd of thousands observed a moment of silence
at 8:46 a.m., the time the first plane slammed into
the north tower.
At sunset, two light beams pointing skyward were to
be switched on, evoking the image of the twin towers.
The remembrance extended far beyond lower Manhattan.
Firefighters in Chicago joined in the moment of silence,
while bells tolled in Milwaukee.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld presided over a
ceremony at the Pentagon and attended a wreath-laying
at nearby Arlington National Cemetery. Solicitor General
Ted Olson, whose wife, Barbara, died in the attack,
told Justice Department employees that an unrelenting
fight against terrorism is the best way to honor the
memory of those who died.
Their suffering and deaths must fuel our dedication
to stamp out this cancer, Olson said.
In rural Pennsylvania, church bells began tolling solemnly
shortly after 10 a.m. to mark the moment Flight 93 crashed.
The plane was believed to be headed to the nations
capital; it went down as the passengers fought back
against the hijackers.
I feel incredibly proud for what my nephew did
and those brave souls and what a difference they made,
said Candyce Hoglan, whose nephew Mark Bingham was among
the passengers. They prevented those monsters
from continuing on with their plan.
Some families of the 700 New Jersey victims in the trade
center attack attended ceremonies in their home state,
including the unveiling of black marble monuments for
the 37 residents of Middletown, N.J., killed by the
Its not easy today, said Rose Marie
DAmato, whose sister was working on the 94th floor
of the north tower. I felt like I wanted to be
here, and I wanted to be in New York. We never recovered
any body remains.
In Manhattan, the footprint of the trade centers
north tower was outlined by a 4-foot fence draped with
banners bearing drawings and messages painted by children
of the victims.
I remember riding on daddys shoulders,
read the message from 4-year-old Maggie Murphy, written
between a picture of flowers and the two towers.
Family members of victims walked down a ramp into the
pit of the site. Some knelt to touch the trade centers
bedrock; others hugged or wept.
Joan Molinaro, the mother of late firefighter Carl Molinaro,
spoke for all the parents who had lost their children.
I feel your hand leave mine, Molinaro said,
reading from a poem she had written. I feel that
warm gentle kiss and wake to the tears on my cheek.
My baby boy is gone.

mourn victims of 9/11
U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker flies over
a flag suspended by local fire departments on
the Green Bridge in Bradenton, Fla., on Thursday.