Opinions from around the country
Music industry sues, downloads continue
The Recording Industry Association of America has just
added non-purchased MP3s to its list of things for which
to sue people. Taking on file-sharing networks, Internet
service providers, colleges and individuals, the RIAAs
efforts are akin to using a fly swatter to stop a swarm
of locusts. Considering that 60 million Americans and
millions more worldwide already frequently download
music, the RIAA wont succeed in stopping most
violators of music copyright laws.
The music industrys quest has gone too far in
its pursuit of the individual. Consider the case of
Jesse Jordan, a Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute sophomore.
The RIAA slapped him and three other students with a
$900 million lawsuit. Jordan settled for $12,000, his
entire lifes savings. The RIAA admits its lawsuits
are for scare tactics, but to its chagrin, the number
of downloaders continues to grow.
The RIAA is acting as if it is a hapless victim. The
music industry stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the
sheer power of online music and refuses to change with
the tides of technology that threaten its sales. The
RIAA believes antagonizing millions of tech-savvy Americans
will lead to change, but it is just setting itself up
for failure. Even if the RIAA succeeds in obtaining
Internet user records and continues its suing spree,
its lawsuits will have little effect outside the United
States. Additionally, Americans, realizing the odds
of being sued are small, will continue their behavior
and find ways around being caught. So far, the RIAA
has only succeeded in increasing public disdain and
unwittingly advancing rogue technologies that improve
Copyright is law and must be protected because our economic
system depends on the ownership of ideas and goods.
Like any profession, musicians should be able to profit
off of their hard work and innovation. The RIAAs
reasons for wanting to protect the use of copyrighted
material are reasonable. However, like copyright issues
of the past involving VCRs and copy machines, the RIAA
will have to realize that perpetual litigation is not
likely to fully work. The music industry will have to
learn to adapt to evolving technologies.
This is a Staff Editorial from the Minnesota Daily at
the University of Minnesota.
This editorial was distributed by U-wire.