Victor Boschini addresses an assembly of faculty,
staff and students in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum Wednesday.

radio-TV-film major Daniel Davenport and
education graduate student Carlos Alvarado
grill hot dogs for the TCU block party Wednesday
night. |

Beddingfield sings to a crowd of fans Monday night
at Frog Fountain.

time exposure of the football players as they
mill about while head coach Gary Patterson speaks
to a crowd of students at the pep rally.
nights fireworks over Frog Fountain followed
a show by Daniel Beddingfield. |
Council aims for togetherness
By Crystal Forester
Staff Reporter
by Ty Halasz and Stephen Spillman
To help new students meet more people and enhance their
TCU experience, Programming Council will focus on activities
designed to bring organizations and students together
this semester, said Fabian Morice, a PC project director.
Incoming freshmen are a great way to start to
strengthen the community, Morice said. That
is why we are trying to get them involved.
Morice said PC wants to get the residents of Fort Worth
involved with students to create a bond between the
Thats the ideal goal, but we need to get
the community inside TCU together first and then advance
to the community outside, Morice said.
PC has a community council meeting at 8 p.m., Sept.
9 in the Student Center to give students time to voice
their opinions and ideas about programs they would like
to see, Morice said.
During community council there is an open floor
to get students involved in the programming so we can
find out what they want to happen, Morice said.
PC hosts three major events during the year: Howdy Week,
Family Weekend and Homecoming.
Sebastian Moleski, a PC project director, said during
Howdy Week planning, organizers evaluated student opinions
from last year and made needed improvements, such as
moving the activity fair inside the Recreation Center
because of the heat.
Im biased about Howdy Week, but I think
this one was better because we took the feedback from
students and expanded on it, Moleski said.
Freshman Ann Marie Strozier, a nursing major, said she
enjoyed meeting new people and getting involved with
the events of Howdy Week.
I recognized faces, but not names, from Frog Camp
and other events, said Strozier. With time
I will get to know a lot of people because they are
involved in the activities.
Family Weekend starts Sept. 19 with a concert featuring
a jazz band and closes with a good-bye brunch for the
parents Sept. 21, Morice said. The weekend will include
a pregame barbecue, the Vanderbilt game, a fashion show,
a Chancellor Reception and a shuttle to Sundance Square
to allow parents to experience the area surrounding
TCU, Morice said.
Family weekend is for parents to spend time with
their kids, Morice said. Hopefully, they
will have a good experience with the TCU community.
Smaller events planned throughout this semester include
several small lecture series and concerts , Moleski
In the spring there was not a lot of events throughout
the semester, Moleski said. This semester
we want to make sure that does not happen again so we
are planning a lot of little events.

TCU Band marches to the pep rally Monday
evening. |

TCU cheerleader Mary Ruth Jones of residential
services leads the crowd in a traditional
cheer at Mondays pep rally. |

gives a Horned Frog Football fan a high
five at Mondays pep rally. |
safety Chris Peoples takes a seat in the street
to watch the TCU showgirls perform at the
pep rally. |