TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Friday, August 29, 2003
news campus opinion sports features

Quotes we ran that made you think ... or laugh

“I have been in this position for over two decades, and that in itself may set a Guiness Book of World Records for administration.”
— William Koehler, provost and vice chancellor of academic affairs

  “It is the virus causing the huge amount of traffic that has the network on its knees.”
— Billy Farmer, computer science professor
“Having a roommate severely inhibits my ability to perform as a resident assistant. It’s a concern of confidentiality and comfort for when a resident needs to come talk in private and my room really isn’t available to them.”
— Evan Luck, Foster Hall resident assistant
“Conserving energy is not a radical idea. It isn’t a hippie plot to take away your PlayStation or your SUV.”
— Josh Deitz, senior political science major
“What’s significant about this is that Earth will be just under 35 million miles from Mars, the closest distance we can get to Mars. Mars and Earth have done this before, but not in recorded history.”
— Tom Black, director of the Fort Worth Sidewalk Astronomers
“I know we will have a lot of eyes on us this year, but hopefully it will be more for positive than negative.”
— Brandon Lobell, president of Kappa Sigma
“This is the most amazing year for admissions and TCU as a whole.”
— Ray Brown, dean of admissions
“All coaches want to be helpful to their student athletes, but there are lines beyond which you can go and we hope to clarify those lines.”
— William Koehler, provost and vice
chancellor of academic affairs
“We live in a great and free society where we’re free to grow to a great size.”
— Patrick Jennings, opinion editor
“My heart is pumpin’, and my corpuscles are jumpin’, baby, I’ll tell ya. I’m thrilled.”
— Jim Wacker, former TCU football coach who died Tuesday, said when he became athletic director at Southwest Texas at age 61
“It was pretty tough. We had no official place to meet, so we would end up having weekly meetings at people’s houses or even apartments.”
— Brandon Lobell, president of Kappa Sigma, on running the fraternity while under suspension
“The Skiff doesn’t have a bumper sticker, but if it did, I think it would say this: How’s our reporting?”
— Kelly Morris, editor in chief

TCU Daily Skiff © 2003
