Gender: Five males and six females
Classification: Two sophomores, one junior and eight
Political Affiliation: Three liberals, six conservative
and one moderate.
Religious Preference: Three Catholics, three Disciples
of Christ, two Baptists, and two non-denominational.
Major: Four news-editorial journalism, two broadcast
journalism, one news-editorial journalism and english
major, one economics and one premajor.
Housing: Seven on campus, three off campus.
Greek: Two in fraternities, eight not Greek.
Home State: Six Texas, two Illinois, one Florida
and one Oklahoma.
Editorial Experience: Seven first-time editors,
three with prior editorial experience.
Reporting Experience: Seven have taken the reporting
class, three have not.
Average GPA: 3.2
Average Semester Hours: 14.5
Average Height: Five feet, nine inches tall.
Coke or Pepsi: Nine Coke, one Pepsi