1. What is the name of Marvin the Martians
A. Allen the Alien
B. Sparky
C. K-9
2. How long is a year on Mars?
A. 687 Earth days
B. 3 Earth days
C. 365 Mars days
3. Why does Mars look red?
A. Because its sunburned
B. Because the clouds in the atmosphere are red
C. Because its covered in rust
4. If you weighed 150 pounds on Earth, how much would
you weigh on Mars?
A. 300.57 pounds
B. 57 pounds
C. 80 pounds
5. What was the first craft to land on the surface
of Mars?
A. The Challenger
B. The Pathfinder
C. The Viking II
6. About how long would it take to make a round trip
to Mars from Earth?
A. A week
B. 10 months
C. 3 years
7. Mars is named after which mythological god?
A. The Roman god of war
B. The Greek god of the sky
C. The Norse god of lightningy