Thing a bit too sweet
By David Germain
Associated Press
now have a gross-out comedy of their own.
Cameron Diaz, left, and Christina Applegate star in The
Sweetest Thing.
Sweetest Thing proves that a lowbrow chick flick can be just
as cretinous as a big dumb guy movie (excluding anything by Tom
Rollerball already has it beat for worst movie so far
this year, but The Sweetest Thing has the early lead
for most vapid.
think the usually winsome Cameron Diaz could phone in her role and
still lift a comedy into the tolerable range. This time out, Diaz
actually is upstaged by co-star Christina Applegate, who wangles
a few laughs out of material so empty it would be lavish praise
to call it vegetative.
co-star Selma Blair, however, winds up the Jason Biggs, American
Pie-style patsy of some pathetically lame sex sight gags.
(Director Roger Kumble, who worked with Blair on Cruel Intentions,
notes that the actress will do anything in a role; Kumble means
it as a compliment, but Blair may want to re-evaluate her work ethic
given the results here.)
plays Christina Walters, a brash, lusty woman whose love-em-and-leave-em
attitude deposits the carcass of many a woebegone suitor behind
is introduced through pseudo-interviews with failed aspirants to
her affections. The sequence is mildly amusing, though its
a cheesy knockoff of the far cleverer talk-to-the-camera confessionals
occasionally used by Sex and the City, a show that has
more smarts, heart and humor in one pedicured toenail than The
Sweetest Thing has in its whole cadaver.
that opening, the movie declines into mind-numbing prattle and imbecilic
bathroom or bedroom slapstick as Christina and gal pals Courtney
(Applegate) and Jane (Blair) giggle and jiggle through the joys
of noncommittal passion.
go looking for Mr. Right. Look for Mr. Right Now, Christina
proclaims in one of the movies few foxy lines. And eventually,
if hes worthy, that Now part is just going to drop away.
night at a happening club, Christina bumps into a worthy one, Peter
(Thomas Jane), a hunk with whom she clicks to the point that days
later, shes still daydreaming about him. On a whim, Christina
and Courtney set off on a road trip to track him down, setting up
a lot of bad potty humor intercut with Janes inane sexual
and her cast mates, including Parker Posey in a brief appearance
as a reluctant bride, hurl themselves into the roles with vigor.
But they come off as self-absorbed, monotonous simpletons because
of the vacuous script credited to Nancy M. Pimental, who has written
for South Park and was co-host of Win Ben Steins
drolly playful delivery, Applegate periodically rises above the
script. Those few highlights, though, accentuate how dumb the surrounding
action is.
a brief hotel fantasy sequence, Christina imagines Peter as the
perfect man, precisely tending to her every sexual whim and arranging
for room service to wheel in bucket-sized dishes of ice cream.
had them remove all the calories for you, dream Peter tells
That sums up this dippy movie: A romantic farce with all the calories