Israeli soldiers take up positions on top of their Armored
Personal Carrier near the west Bank town of Nablus Tuesday.
Arafat should seek exile
Fighting continues in West Bank; Palestinian leader
still confined
By Laura King
Associated Press
West Bank Israeli tanks and helicopters shelled a heavily
fortified Palestinian security headquarters in an all-night assault
Tuesday. Fighting raged outside Bethlehems Church of the Nativity,
and Israels prime minister proposed exile for Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat.
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retains Nigerian roots
By Erin LaMourie
Features Editor
Keller looked out her window in Colby Hall to her new home as her
freshmen orientation began.
Every freshman faced the fear of the unknown, but for Keller it
seemed there was more unknown than known.
She had never seen TCU before, never lived in Texas and it had been
more than eight years since she had lived in the United States.
full story
work characteristic of journalism professor
By Jacque Petersell
Skiff Staff
hard to miss. Hes the big man with graying hair, parted to
one side, and glasses. Hes wearing a button-down work shirt
with faded jeans. Hes sitting in his cubicle at the obituary
office of the Fort Worth Star- Telegram leaning in his chair, arms
crossed across his chest, head back, eyes closed, mouth open. Occasionally,
he snores.
full story