dean prepared to begin work
By Raul Martinez IV
Staff Reporter
Slater said he is counting the days until he becomes the new dean
of the College of Communications.
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fail to shake the faith
Catholics unwavered amidst child abuse cases in
By Laura McFarland
Staff Reporter
Stafford knows her priest is human. Even so, she admits that if
she heard he committed a crime, she would be stunned.
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Jeremy Thaden, a sophomore biology major, works Monday nights
as a Foster Hall resident assistant. TCU RAs have no
current plans to form a union.
care of business
No plans for resident assistant
union on campus
By Kami Lewis
Staff Reporter
formation of the first residential assistants union at the University
of Massachusetts-Amherst raised concerns for administrators across
the nation, especially in the Northeast, said Russell Elleven, associate
director of Residence Life.
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Painted eggs are about more than just bunnies
by Wanda Muriy
Skiff Staff
most people think of Easter, the first image that comes to mind
is a fancy-painted egg. Few, however, know about the rich Ukrainian
history and symbolism of the eggs.
The art of pysanky, or Ukrainian Easter eggs, is so ancient that
no one truly knows its origins. At least 2000 years ago, people
who lived in the area of Ukraine worshipped the sun. These pagan
people saw parallels between the yellow yolk of the egg and the
sun, and the white of the egg and the moon. The egg was believed
to have magical power and often was used in sun worship ceremonies.
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design 101
learned briefly about the history of the Easter egg and the designs
and colors used in decorating them, some might want to try making
a pysanky, or other types of eggs. Here are a few tips to get started:
full story
than just colors
The symbolism behind the colors plays an important
role in the designing of the eggs
