doesnt evoke emotions
Roger Moore
KRT Campus
is a weirdly off-putting romantic ghost story that never finds that
magical, love-that-transcends-death tone it is aiming for.
2002 Universal Studios
Kevin Costner plays a grieving doc who tries to contact his
late wife courtesy of his patients' near-death experiences
in Dragonfly.
But it gives
Kevin Costner another chance to tear-up, choke up and narrate his
grief over a dead spouse in the worst Message in a Bottle
Costner plays
Joe Darrow, a Chicago emergency-room physician whose wife dies in
the films opening scenes. Or does she?
Joe doesn't
easily give up the search for Emily, who was lost when her bus is
washed away in a Venezuelan mudslide. And after the no-body funeral,
the cynical doctor is faced with evidence of supernatural visits.
Is Emily (Susanna Thompson) trying to get in touch with him?
His colleagues
(Joe Morton, Ron Rifkin) think hes nuts. His lesbian-lawyer
neighbor (Kathy Bates) is sympathetic, but also thinks hes
But Emilys
long-silent parrot starts talking as if shes returned. Children
in the cancer ward who go through near-death experiences tell Joe
theyve seen her.
And Joe keeps
seeing dragonflies, which Emily used as a totem the
way some folks decorate their houses with unicorns or angels.
Oscar winner
Linda Hunt makes a brief but effective appearance as a curious nun
who explains it all to us, and Joe.
The director,
Tom Shadyac, has unleashed many a comedy (Ace Ventura: Pet
Detective, Liar Liar) but has nary a romance on
his résumé. So he turns this one into something of
a thriller. Granted, the non ghost-believers among us would certainly
feel the hairs on the back of our necks rise if confronted with
proof of a ghostly visitation.
But Emily is
supposed to be Joes great love, this benign but insistent
spirit. And every time she shows up, she scares the willies out
of Joe, and the audience. There's a hint of the menacing tone of
What Lies Beneath here, but Shadyac would have been
better served stealing from Ghost than from the Harrison
Ford thriller.
We never get
a sense of who Emily was. She's just this saintly, curly-haired
beauty who marches off, while very pregnant, to the Third World
as part of a Doctors Without Borders program.
And after letting
his film meander along, shocking us with cheap scares and tiny revelations,
Shadyac and the screenwriters jam way too many plot twists into
its final act.
Costner has made getting choked up something of a career move of
late. Mel Gibson plays crazy well and Russell Crowe has the sullen
market cornered.
But nobody chokes
up like Costner. He even does it in the Hallmark card voice-over
The whole movie
rests on his shoulders, and the character just isnt deep enough
to support it.
is Message in a Bottle sappy, but the sap feels unearned,
here. The great, undying love is declared, but never felt.
In the end,
when we should be reaching for our hankies, he has us checking our
watches and wondering where the evening went.