male sex ed class put on hold

High: 65; Low: 34; Partly cloudy
High: 65; Low: 38; Sunny

Legendary driver and designer Roger Penske was born on this day.
While he drove and designed a variety of racecar models, Penske
is most famous for his achievements in Indy car design.
1993 Ferrucio Lamborghini died on this day in 1993, leaving
behind a remarkable life story of a farm boy with big dreams.
Born on his familys farm outside of Bologna, Italy, Lamborghini
grew up tinkering with tractors.
investigation continues
Anthony Kirchner
Staff Reporter
A joint investigation
between Fort Worth and TCU police continued Tuesday in the sexual
assault of a 21-year-old woman who lives in the Bellaire Condominiums
on Bellaire Drive, said J.C. Williams, assistant TCU police chief.
Fort Worth police would not comment on the incident because it is
an open investigation, but Don Mills, vice-chancellor for student
affairs, confirmed Tuesday that the victim is a TCU student.
full story
Munger/ Skiff Staff
Junior designated hitter Chris Meeks swings at a pitch Tuesday against
Texas Tech. Meeks had three hits and one run batted in the Frogs
lose 14-13. See Sports, Page 8, for the full story.
Students, faculty and staff congregate outside Reed Hall Monday
afternoon because of a fire alarm that went off in the building.
Classes were hauled for a short period while authorities accessed
the situation.
first floor to be cleared
Staff Reporter
Brachman Halls
coeducational first floor will be vacated fall 2002 to make space
for a potential overflow of students, said Karen Baker, assistant
director of Residential Services.
Baker said the move is an attempt to avoid situations like last
falls housing crunch when forty male students were temporarily
housed in local hotels and 35 undergraduates were moved to graduate
full story
A quiz,
by George!
From George Washington to George W. Bush,
the 42 men who have held the nations highest office have some
of the most familiar names and faces in American history. You see
them every day on U.S. currency and coins, attend schools that bear
their names, and drive on streets and highways named in their honor.
But how well do you really know the American presidents? Do you
know which man owned a haberdashery before ascending to the presidency?
(Harry S. Truman) Do you know who survived an assassination attempt
when a metal eyeglass case deflected the bullet? (Theodore Roosevelt)
Do you know who used the words I affirm instead of I
swear when taking his oath of office? (Franklin Pierce) Heres
your chance to meet the men behind the office.
full story
