Thursday, February 14, 2002

VALENTINE — The crush always starts around early February, when the envelopes begin pouring into this tiny West Texas town seeking the “Valentine” postal cancellation that will make the heartfelt missives complete.
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FAIRFIELD, Conn. — A legally blind college graduate, described by a former roommate as a paranoid “hermit,” was in police custody Wednesday after allegedly taking 28 people hostage in a university classroom and claiming to have a bomb.
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Bill calling for mandatory military service in committee

High: 59; Low: 28; Partly cloudy

High: 58; Low: 35; Partly cloudy

1929 — The mob hit known as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre took place in Chicago.

1948 — A week before the organization was officially incorporated, NASCAR held its first race for modified stock cars on a 3.2 mile-course at Daytona Beach.

1962 — The first televised tour of the White House airs and was hosted by First Lady Jackie Kennedy.

Heartfelt thoughts
Molly Beuerman/SKIFF STAFF
Lesli Tegner, a senior speech communication major, searches for the perfect Valentine Tuesday at the TCU Bookstore.


Fourteen faculty positions added
By Kelly Morris
Staff Reporter

Fourteen new faculty positions will be added for the 2002-03 school year, university officials said Wednesday.
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Departments left with lack of faculty
By Colleen Casey
Staff Reporter

After 18 years of disappointment, the art education program once again will not receive their first full-time faculty member, Ronald Watson, chairman of the art department said.
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Don Mills receives national career award
By Laura McFarland
Staff Reporter

For a man expecting to give a speech, Don Mills, vice chancellor for student affairs, suddenly found himself speechless.
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Enron collapse becoming teaching tool in classes
By Sam Eaton
Staff Reporter

The collapse of the Enron Corporation has become a major teaching tool in business classes this semester, said some professors in the M.J. Neeley School of Business.
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Often defined and rarely understood
By Jessica Sanders
Skiff Staff

Love is confusing.

Both a noun and a verb, the English word “love” can describe feelings for a significant other, devotion to a friend or affection toward a pet.

When Valentine’s Day rolls around, it becomes difficult to escape this mysterious human emotion.
“I think people mistake feelings for love,” said Kimberly Hopper, a freshman speech communication major. “I don’t think love is about feelings — it’s a commitment. If a relationship is built on only feelings of love, then it’s not love at all.”

To make matters worse, love is also complicated as a part of speech.

When Greek was being translated into English, all the Greek versions of the word became “love” because the English language doesn’t have verbs for words such as friendship. People substitute “love” because it is versatile as both a noun and a verb, said Daryl Schmidt, chairman of the religion department.
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Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV)


the definition
(luv) n.; v.

1. A deep and tender feeling of affection or attachment or devotion to a person or persons.

2. an expression of one’s love of affection

3. a feeling of brotherhood and good will toward other people

4. a) strong liking or interest in something b) the object of such liking

5. a) a strong usually passionate affection of one person for an other, based in part on sexual attraction. b) the person who is the object of such an affection; sweetheart; lover.

6. a) sexual passion b)sexual intercourse

7. phrase ex. play for love, play for nothing

8. a) God’s tender regard and concern for all human beings b) devotion and desire for God as the supreme good, that all human beings have.

Webster’s New World College Dictionary



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