Night Fever
Friday classes, students shut their books and hit the clubs to get
an early start on their weekends
John-Mark Day
Skiff Staff
Students dance Thursday at Cowboys in Arlington. Top
left: Reeves Dalton, a freshman premajor, Top right: Melinda
Hoover, a freshman business major, Emily Tanner, a freshman
fashion merchandising major and Sarah Woolsey, a freshman
premajor. Bottom right: Kat Clayton, a freshman premajor and
Kristen Barnes, a freshman advertising/public relations major.
Its well
past midnight Thursday, any Thursday really, and freshman education
major Leanna Gilles has just hit the dance floor at Billy Bobs
Texas for another round of two-stepping. She and the four or five
women who came with her will close the club, then head home and
to sleep, hopefully by 2 a.m. She really should get to bed as soon
as she can. After all, class starts at 8 a.m.
Many TCU students
choose to take advantage of Thursday night, despite class Friday
In college,
the weekend starts on Thursday nights, Gilles said.
Gilles said
she usually gets ready at about 10 p.m. and doesnt even hit
the clubs until 11 p.m. She leaves about 1:30 a.m., giving her enough
time to catch some sleep before hitting her 8 a.m. Spanish class.
a little tired (Friday morning), but its not horrible,
Gilles said.
Billy Bobs
on Thursday nights has become a tradition for Gilles and her friends,
who said she started going to the club the second week she was on
campus and has gone every week since.
are lots of college students there (on Thursday nights), Gilles.
Friday and Saturday have more adults.
Melinda Hoover, a freshman business major, Emily Tanner, a
freshman fashion merchandising major and Sarah Woolsey, a
freshman premajor.
Thursdays, college
night at Billy Bobs, has one particular attraction for college
Its free, Gilles said. There are quite a
few people there from TCU of all ages. Ive met a lot of people
Other clubs
around Fort Worth find other ways to attract college students on
Thursday nights.
Danny Weaver,
who owns the Aardvark at 2905 W. Berry St., said Thursday nights
are a big draw for his club.
Not as
many people have class Friday, Weaver said. The number
of college students definitely increases.
Weaver said
he plans Thursday nights around college students.
I definitely
schedule bands for college students, he said.
Younger bands
and the drink specials the Aardvark runs draw students in, Weaver
For sophomore history major Geoff Godley, having a Thursday night
class is not a reason to miss out on an extra weekend night.
I usually
stay up late if I dont go out, Godley said. I
only have one class at 10 a.m. on Fridays.
Godley said
Thursday nights were an especially big draw to him as a freshman.
At first
I went out every Thursday, but then it started to lose its luster,
he said.
Gilles said
she used to think of Thursdays as another weeknight, a time to do
homework and wind down from the week.
I thought,
Thursday nights? Why would people go out on Thursday nights?
Gilles said.
After trying it out the first time, Gilles said she has gone back
every week.
A community
has grown up around the clubs, she said.
You see
people you know, but you also get to meet some new people,
she said.
Gilles said shes also learned some new moves.
I knew
a basic line dance (my first time) but Ive learned some more
advanced dances since then, she said.
Godley said
he started going out on Thursday nights because thats what
everyone else did.
When in
Rome, do as the Romans do, Godley said. Youre
supposed to go out Thursday night.
Senior religion
major Kiera Sammis said Thursday nights are a big time to get ready
for the weekend.
It seems
as though a lot of people from TCU go out on Thursday nights,
Sammis said. Were all excited for the weekend to come.
Sammis said
Thursdays are a particularly good time for her to go out because
she hasnt had a Friday class for the past three semesters.
A typical Thursday
night for her starts about 9:30 or 10 p.m., when shell meet
up with friends and go downtown.
We go
hang out and dance a little, she said.
She then moves
on to The Pub, where she runs into more TCU people. Sammis said
she usually goes home around 2 a.m.
Sammis said
she tries out many different places. The Library, a new club at
8th and Commerce streets, is particularly popular, she said.
new right now, and everyone wants to go there, she said.
Sammis said
Thursday nights are an important way for her to relax after the
school week.
Were in college, and we only live once, she said.
Senior fashion
merchandising major Melissa Styles said there is one big reason
for college students to go out on Thursday nights.
So we
dont run into the high school kids like on Friday or Saturday
night, Styles said.
For Godley,
avoiding high school students isnt the only reason to go out
on Thursdays. Fear is a pretty good motivating factor also.
You dont
want to be the dude who doesnt go out Thursday nights,
Godley said.