fires Enron auditor
calls for free trade as cure of unemployment

U. Illinois tuition hike increases communication
High: 52; Low: 38; Mostly cloudy, winds from the northeast
High: 54; Low: 36; Rain in the afternoon and evening

1953-The Chevy
Corvette was introduced in 1953 as a show car at the Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel in New York. The Corvette became and instant classic with
its unique fiberglass body and sporty design.
last episode Long-running western series Bonanza is finally canceled
after 14 seasons. The show, which debuted in 1959, was the first
western to be televised in color. Its trademark theme song rose
to No. 19 on Billboard's Top Singles chart in 1961.
Tom Connovs, a R.L. Paschal Senior High School student, purchases
food at Jons Grille Tuesday night. Jons Grille has been a
popular local hang-out for students and faculty since it opened
in 1989.
back to business
By Laura McFarland
Staff Reporter
writing on the wall will remain.
worth of floor-to-ceiling graffiti on the walls of Jons Grille is
not in danger of disappearing. Jan Meyerson, the new owner, said
she will keep the restaurant open and unchanged.
became the proprietor of Jons Grille when her brother, Jon Meyerson,
died of a self-inflicted wound Nov. 24. The restaurant has been
a popular local hang-out for students and faculty since it opened
in 1989.
full story
in world religion classes increases
By Marci King
Staff Reporter
is witnessing the effects of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the
United States with a surge in Middle Eastern studies, said Manochehr
Dorraj, a political science professor.
full story
aimed toward future projects
Fundraising plans already raised
$50 million
By Raul Martinez
Staff Reporter
hundred and fifty alumni and top donors have been interviewed by
University Advancement officials to help further plans for the largest
fund-raising campaign in TCU history, said Bronson Davis, vice chancellor
for University Advancement.
full story
Legend of the Horned Frog Statue
By Antoinette Vega
Skiff Staff
Every time Brad
Thompson walks by the steel horned frog statue, he kisses it for
good luck.
It is natural for me to kiss the horned frog statue,
said Thompson, a sophomore Student Foundation member. I even
kiss the statue while giving campus tours, which the prospective
students think is kind of weird.
A gesture such as this is not uncommon as students walk past the
statue each day. It has become the backdrop for thousands of pictures
each year and a campus landmark.
full story
statue caused opposition in 1984
Some said art inappropriate for campus
Editors Note: This editorial originally
ran in the April 17, 1984 edition of the Skiff
If certain members
of the TCU House of Student Representatives get their wish today,
there could soon be an eyesore in front of Reed-Sadler Mall.
The House will vote today on allocating $4,000 from the Permanent
Improvement Fund to erect a 6-foot stone statue of a horned frog
sitting atop a cliff.
full story