TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Thursday, April 24, 2003
news campus opinion sports features


Surely GOP isn’t using Sept. 11

The Republican convention will undoubtedly be a sight to see next fall.
Thanks for letting us into your Frog family, TCU
Ferrari family will cherish memories of TCU

My wife and I will soon be departing TCU after spending five of the most invigorating, fulfilling and rewarding years of our lives here.
What I’ve learned at college

Yeah, so ... graduation. The time when you begin to wonder why you actually paid for four years of intense stress caused by trying fit your hopes and dreams into another person’s syllabus. I don’t feel any smarter, just sad and melancholy. And poor. Very, very poor.
Graduates should be voice of change

When an editor asked me to write a senior column a couple of weeks ago, it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up — an opportunity I’ve actually been waiting for since my freshman year.

Editorial policy: The content of the Opinion page does not necessarily represent the views of Texas Christian University. Unsigned editorials represent the view of the TCU Daily Skiff editorial board. It does not necessarily represent the view of other Skiff staff members. Signed letters, columns and cartoons represent the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board.

Guest columns: The Skiff welcomes guest columns for publication. Columns must be typed, double-spaced, signed, limited to 500 words and e-mailed to ( Columns must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. Phone numbers will not be published. Faculty, staff and students are limited to two guest columns a semester. The Skiff may wish to photograph guest columnists, and reserves the right to edit or reject columns for style, taste and size restrictions.

Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be signed and limited to 250 words. Only letters delivered via email or floppy disk will be considered. Letters must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. The Skiff reserves the right to edit or reject letters for style, taste and size restrictions.

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