TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
news campus opinion sports features

CEO shouldn’t have lied to workers

Two weeks ago, American Airlines CEO Don Carty was a hero. He worked with American Airlines management to reach a six-year contract, which included $1.6 billion of annual concessions, to keep his company from Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Two weeks later, there’s nothing heroic about him.

While American employees were preparing for pay cuts, Carty was set to get a $1.6 million raise.

There’s plenty wrong with this picture. How can someone be so greedy? How can someone be so stupid?

It’s not the dollar amount that’s the problem though. It’s the fact that he kept it secret.

Carty lied to his employees, the same employees who wake up praying they have a job the next morning, the same employees who watch the American Airlines stock continue to fall.

American has lost $5.2 billion in the past two years. Now it’s lost the reliability a trusted leader once had.

Employees want to work for a boss they can trust. They want a boss who will sacrifice everything so his or her employees are happy. Carty has done none of the above. He’s apologized for his actions, but an apology doesn’t fix the damage he’s done.

American Airlines employees were ready to start fresh and look to a brighter future. Now they are stuck in the spotlight, not clear on what their future is.

Good job Carty. Everyone has to give a little — no matter what’s printed on your business card.


TCU Daily Skiff © 2003

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