of the Week: Tara Pope
By Monique Bhimani
Copy Desk Chief
After she graduated in May 2000, Tara Pope applied to
work for the TCU Physical Plant. She likes the outdoors
and thought it would be a great summer job. Almost three
years later, she still works in grounds maintenance
and enjoys every day of it.
I started working two weeks after graduation,
Pope said. I wanted to work here for just the
summer. I stayed because I think TCU could do better.
A former religion major, Pope is an adamant advocate
for improved living wages for campus employees. Last
June, base wages were raised from $7.25 to $8 an hour,
due in part to Popes efforts. According to the
national Universal Living Wage organization, the estimated
living wage for renting a one-room apartment in the
Fort Worth area is $10.50 an hour.
Im going to stay here until theres
a better living wage, Pope said.
For the past two years she has been the secretary of
the Staff Assembly. Pope is the first person from the
Physical Plant to ever hold office on the Staff Assembly.
She will remain on the Staff Assembly as a member this
coming year.
If you love something, you want to make it better,
Pope said. I have hope that (TCU) can be better.
When Pope is not busy gathering support for a living
wage, she volunteers at Broadway Baptist Church with
Agape Meal, a group who serves meals to the homeless.
Pope also tutors English as a second language (ESL)
students in her spare time.
I started out having only one or two (ESL) students,
she said. Now I have about 10.
In the future, Pope plans to either continue work on
living wage issues on a city level or work in the peace
and justice department.
you are interested in nominating a TCU community
member for the honor of Frog of the Week,
please e-mail David Reese at ( |

Bhimani/Copy Desk Chief
Pope, a grounds maintenance worker, earned her
bachelors degree from TCU in religion in
the spring of 2000. Pope is also the secretary
of the Staff Assembly.
about Tara
name: Tara Lee Pope
Hometown: Kingsport, Tenn.
Parents: Barry and Nancy
Siblings: Ruth Ann (21)
Favorite TCU memory: Campus walks with
my friend, Shavahn
Favorite food: Chocolate
Favorite restaurant: Chicken Express
If you didnt go to TCU, where would you
have gone?: Carson-Newman College (in Tennessee)