TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Thursday, April 10, 2003
news campus opinion sports features

Ed Cartoon


Rejoicing should wait until war’s end

The world was watching Wednesday morning as Iraqis attempted to bring down a statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad’s Firdos Square.


Opinions from around the country

Administrators should not punish protesting students

Students of all ages around the country have been voicing their opinions about the issues surrounding the war with Iraq. We can walk out, protest and chant because it is our right. But now a university has decided that they have the power to censor it.

Honors students need early registration
Class constraints affect more than just athletes
Jarod Daily

It’s that time of the semester again. Students are getting advised and anxiously await their registration time, hoping and praying that their class choices don’t fill up before they get the chance to enroll for next semester.

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Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be signed and limited to 250 words. Only letters delivered via email or floppy disk will be considered. Letters must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. The Skiff reserves the right to edit or reject letters for style, taste and size restrictions.

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