of the Week: Barbara Hawkins
By David Reese
Features editor
Barbara Hawkins has only been on campus since September
but her presence in Residential Services has already
been felt.
Hawkins, associate director of residence life, was born
in Puerto Rico because her father was in the military
before growing up in Fairmont, W.Va.
Hawkins said she is the fifth of six children born to
her parents, Martha and Thomas.
We were really much closer because we were a single-parent
family, Hawkins said.
While in high school, Hawkins was involved with cheerleading,
student council, French club and Keywanettes.
Hawkins attended West Virginia University and earned
a Bachelors of Arts in communication studies and
a Masters degree in higher education administration.
Since finishing her degrees, she spent six years at
Eastern Connecticut State University as a hall director
and area coordinator and three years at Lehigh University
in Bethlehem, Pa. as an assistant dean.
Hawkins said her move to Texas was for three basic reasons.
Great new job, friendly people and vibrant area
to live, Hawkins said.
Hawkins said her transition to the new position has
been very easy because of the tremendous amount of support
from Student Affairs and Residential Services.
Working with such a talented group of hall directors
and resident assistants makes my job challenging, fun
and rewarding everyday, Hawkins said.
you are interested in nominating a TCU community
member for the honor of Frog of the Week,
please e-mail David Reese at ( |

Reese/Features editor
Hawkins, associate director of residence life,
spends much of her days working with the hall
directors and resident assistants of TCU.
about Barbara
name: Barbara Helen Hawkins
Hometown: Fairmont, W.Va.
Parents: Martha and Thomas
Siblings: Kim (44), Kevin (deceased), T.
Anne and Martha (38) and Tom (30)
Favorite TCU memory: My dog, Gryphon and
I surviving for my first two weeks in August/September
with no furniture.
Favorite food: Mexican
Favorite restaurant: La Madeleine
If you werent at TCU, where would you
be?: A place with warm weather. No more snow.