must wait
By Lara Hendrickson
Staff Reporter
Renovations of Milton Daniel Hall were originally scheduled
to be completed by now, but plans were delayed so other
buildings renovations could be completed and because
of other financial difficulties, Residential Services
Director Roger Fisher said Wednesday.
At the time of our plans to renovate Milton Daniel,
we were trying to finish the (University) Recreation
Center, Tucker Technology Center, Smith Entrepreneur
Center and the baseball stadium, Fisher said.
The university just did not have the money to
continue with residence halls.
Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Don Mills said the
renovation of the all-mens residence hall will
not begin for at least two years because no funds are
available for it.
Mills said it is crucial for the stock market to improve
before renovations begin. He said the way funding for
renovation works is that the university buys bonds and
then benefactors buy them from the university to pay
for the residence halls. The university pays back bonds
through residence hall revenue, he said.
Right now, we cant spend the $10 or $11
million dollars it would cost to renovate Milton Daniel,
Mills said. While I dont have a crystal
ball, I would think we are talking two to three years
minimum before we could attempt it.
Resident assistant at Milton Daniel Ryan Flanagan said
Milton Daniel really stands out, especially next to
the University Recreation Center.
Matt Bragiel, a former resident of Milton Daniel, said
the residence hall was in dire need of renovation two
years ago.
It seems like almost every other (residence hall)
has been renovated, Bragiel said. Its
pretty old and rough around the edges.
Fisher agreed Milton Daniel is in desperate need of
renovation, but said that it is livable for the moment.
Pipes arent falling apart, but it is due
to have a new heating system, electric system and the
bathrooms replaced, Fisher said.
Fisher said he would like to see the two fraternities
attached to Milton Daniel have separate, personal doors,
and would like to see the residence hall become co-ed.
Look at Brachman and Moncrief, Fisher said.
Making the (residence halls) co-ed would be a
great way to get away from stereotypes of Milton Daniel.
This is the time to do that.
Fisher also said he would like to see the residence
hall entirely redone, like the previous renovation of
Waits Hall.
Renovation means a lot of different things to
different people, Fisher said. Waits became
a brand new building. However, renovation could also
mean repainted, redecorated, new roofs, new fire alarms,
Fisher said there are four other residence halls that
could use renovations after Milton Daniel, including
Sherley Hall, Colby Hall, Clark Residence Hall and Jarvis
Fisher said while he would like the renovations as soon
as possible, he realizes TCU is very fortunate.
We have already spent a lot, Fisher said.
Other campuses are extremely envious of us. We
are just selfish and want more.
Fisher said he is ready to bring back the architects
as soon as he learns funding is available, and Mills
said he hopes renovation plans will resume as quickly
as possible.
When were ready to go, its going to
be great, Mills said.

Halasz/Photo editor
Daniel Hall has still not undergone scheduled