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Wednesday, March 26, 2003
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Letters to the Editor

Anti-war protesters need to analyze their motives again

I read in the Skiff about anti-war protesters. Here is what I would like to say to them:
Do you have any idea what the peace you live in right now cost in human lives? Do you know how many people have willingly risked their lives for the safety and freedom of others?

Did you attend religious services this week? There are places in this world where the practice of any religion is strictly forbidden and others where you are “free” to practice only the state religion. I went to my little Baptist church last Sunday with no fear whatsoever of being arrested. I am free to worship God as I see fit, unhindered by any organism of the state. This is also true of those attending the Mosque and the Synagogue down the street. Do you have any idea how precious that is?

Did you wake up this morning with the knowledge that you and everyone of your nationality is on the short list of your country’s ruler? Did you wonder if he would find a way to kill you and hundreds like you? Did you fear for your life today? Did you wonder if you or your wife, sister or mother would find themselves in a rape room today? Have you ever wondered that?

Did you come out here today in direct opposition to those in power and ever think it would cost your life? Did you ever once think that President Bush or any of the police would spray chemical agents into the crowd to put down dissension? You have the right to stand here and say the stupidest things until you are blue in the face. Do you think Saddam would be so understanding?

You live in a country whose goal it is to ensure your God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You live in a country determined that you grow up not only safe and secure, but literate and educated and go out of their way to see that those happen.

Your country is determined that you have the right you religious freedom, that you can worship whichever god you choose and even say there is no God.

How can you who enjoy these freedoms deny them to others? How can you come out here and say the Iraqis do not have the right to the same kinds of freedoms you take for granted? Freedom only comes with a price. The down payment for the freedom we enjoy was laid down in the Revolutionary War, and the maintenance costs have been paid by the U.S. Armed Forces ever since. They continue to pay for our freedom right now today in Iraq. They are protecting those they love and, while they are at it, those of you who disrespect them from terrorism and a heavily armed psychopathic killer. They are also paying the costs for Iraqi freedom, for those who could not pay it themselves.

So I say to you, go home and say a prayer for the safety and success of the brave men and women defending you right now. And while you’re at it, thank God that we have a president who is willing to do the right thing for us and for the oppressed in Iraq.

— Theresa Kenagy, desktop support specialist, Neeley School of Business


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