participate in ADPis third Mocktail Blend-Off
Zeta Tau Alphas go home with grand
By Sarah Krebs
Staff Reporter
When a group of guys dressing as mad scientists or wearing
grass skirts and coconut bras dance and cheer, a non-alcoholic
drink-making contest usually isnt thought of.
the Hyperfrogs and the Greek community learned the value
of non-alcoholic drinks at Alpha Delta Pi sororitys
third Mocktail Blend-Off Thursday, said Jenna Spain,
a senior political science major and chairwoman of the
to overcrowding at the Pond St. Grill facilities last
year, the Blend-Off was moved to the Student Center
and a live band performance was added to increase attendance,
Spain said.
of the organizations competing mixed a non-alcoholic
drink and were judged on spirit, taste, presentation
and creativity, she said.
250 people attended the event, where the Zeta Tau Alpha
sorority won the grand prize of a trip for four to New
Orleans, Spain said. ZTA also won the spirit award,
a trophy filled with candy, which will be passed on
to the next spirit winner, she said.
Price, a junior studio art major and bartender for ZTA,
said her group dressed in poodle skirts and did a 1950s
sock hop dance to Jailhouse Rock but changed
it to ZTA Rock.
to a party with the ADPis, saw some people drinking
but didnt let them drive, Price sang.
said she had a great time dancing and they had hula-hoops
and tambourines going before they served the Pink
Poodle, a drink made out of strawberry ice cream,
fresh strawberries, milk and strawberry preserves topped
with whipped cream and a pink crazy straw.
from the Texas Alcoholic Beverages Commission attended
and gave out information about laws and news on underage
drinking, Spain said.
point was to raise awareness about being responsible
drinkers, since college students get a bad wrap about
it, and we also wanted to raise money for our national
philanthropy, Spain said. It was definitely
more comfortable this year, and Ive gotten a lot
of good feed-back so far.
panel of nine people including Neil Dougherty, the mens
basketball coach; Kathy Harbel, the executive director
of the Ronald McDonald House in Fort Worth; Hawkeye
from 96.3 KSCS-FM; and Jordan Scott, the owner of Mommas
Pizza on Berry Street, judged each of the 20 teams that
decorated their tables, dressed in costumes, made banners
and did dances to get the most points, Spain said.
Davis, a judge on the panel and lead singer of the band
that performed, said he looked for creativity, taste
and how much the group wanted to win.
(were) a couple of drinks that I wouldnt want
to try again, Davis said.

Halasz/Photo Editor
Anderson, a junior finance and math major and
Matt Bragiel, a junior marketing major, represent
Pi Kappa Phi at Thursday's Alpha Delta Pi Blend-Off
in the Student Center Ballroom.