Dining Services employee dies Sunday
TCU Dining Services employee dies Sunday
The memorial service for TCU Dining Services employee
Rosetta Lyons will begin at noon today at Elm Grove
Missionary Baptist Church.
72, died at the end of a church service Sunday of natural
causes, said Bryant Currie, operations director of Dining
worked in Dining Services for about 30 years, said Betty
Jones, a Dining Services employee. Jones worked with
Lyons for the past 17 years and said she always
greeted you with a Good morning.
had worked in both Edens Greens and Deco Deli.
She was currently working as a server in the faculty
dining facility. Lyons left behind six children, 10
grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, according
to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
supervisor of Deco Deli Stephanie Dickerson said Lyons
was just like everyones grandmother.
was really sweet, Dickerson said. She was
always giving encouraging words. Lyons
was also involved in many church activities.
Lara Hendrickson