New start
Boschini has a lot to live up
The selection of Victor Boschini Jr. Thursday as the
10th chancellor in the universitys history brought
an end to months of speculation over who would succeed
Michael Ferrari when he leaves in June. With a shroud
of secrecy surrounding the selection process, getting
any information on candidates was near impossible.
Now that the dust has settled around the quick developments,
wed like to share our hopes for the new chancellor.
Boschini will likely get a honeymoon period as he adjusts
to his new position. He will inherit the job right after
several university construction projects have finished
and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
reaccredidation process is over.
Of course, several tests are ahead for the university.
We face a revision of core classes, discussion of an
honor code and, at a time of economic decline, fund-raising
challenges. Boschini will inherit a full-plate.
Now that a decision has been made, its time to
move forward as a new university with a new leader.
We hope Boschini puts a personal stamp on the job, while
retaining the accessibility and openness of Ferrari.
The university needs someone who can take the reins
with authority, while retaining the counsel of those
who have been at TCU for years.
We hope Boschini rises to the challenge.