Area lets children to have fun,
All they want to do is play. Now, some of the youngest
members of the TCU community are getting a new chance
to have fun.
The Hill House play area in the Leibrock Village opened
Dec. 7 and is open daily for use by any of the children
so long as they have parental supervision.
The play area allows education students to use skills
from their classes. By following a budget and carefully
planning the contents of the playroom, the students
put together a new, safe environment for the children
to play.
Instead of saying goodbye to toys that cant fit
in crowded apartments or playing outside in the winter
chill, theres a warm place where the children
can have fun and meet new friends.
An outdoor playground is something Housing Director
Nancy Griese said she would like to see in the future.
Right now, funds are unavailable. But for now, future
playrooms are being discussed for other buildings.
We hope the children enjoy the new possibilities the
playroom presents: an opportunity to interact with other
children and use their imaginations in a way most of
us no longer do.
After all, you shouldnt let anything come between
children and their toys.