New student page seems unnecessary
Call us creatures of habit, but were not on board
yet with this (my.tcu.edu).
The new Web site is a portal that offers personalized
TCU links, e-mail, weather, news and other features.
It is meant to complement the universitys main
Web site, which now is considered too cluttered for
surfers who want to find information quickly.
Maybe were just traditionalists, but we dont
see anything wrong with the universitys main Web
site. Sure, it does seem like information overload when
you first open the page, but its layout is user friendly.
It doesnt take much clicking around to go to the
registrars page or the librarys site.
Most college students today are savvy Internet surfers
who instant message with friends continents away, order
pizzas online and download music and movies sometimes
before they have even been released.
Navigating the TCU Web site, quite frankly, is a piece
of cake.
Still, (my.tcu.edu)
is here to stay for the time being. The university should
make some modifications if it wants a large number of
students to use it.
We suggest creating a link for the online directory.
Also, create a link for departmental or student pages.
And finally, make the site more visually appealing.
The intentions behind the site are good, but it still
needs some improvements before students start making
it their home page.