- News
House moves to support safer intersection
- Stop sign, speed bump suggested for University-Bowie
Focus on Community
- University expands education, business to become more
prominent in community
Meningitis cases unknown to TCU
- But vaccine for disease available at health center
House meetings see growth in attendance
- Increase in numbers due to hard work and motivated
representatives, officials say
- Student musicians to present jazz combo concert
- Ensemble will play concert music based on improvisation
- American Smokeout today to help break habit
- Day set to encourage smokers to quit; some hope for
more non-smoking areas on campus

- Hunger Jail
Sarah Kirshberg/SKIFF STAFF
- Morgan Landry, a freshman English major, stands in the
hunger jail during lunch hours Tuesday in the Student Center Lounge. To
help raise money and awareness for Hunger Week, money could be donated
to keep an individual in the jail or bail him or her out. The event will
also be held today.