House Vice President Candidate


Clay Stauffer

Sophomore religion and sociology major

Memphis, TN

 1. What are your goals if elected Student Government Association vice president?  One of my major goals is to push for a more accurate representation of students in SGA so that the decisions made in the House are done in the best interest of the entire student body. For this to happen, students from every organization must be encouraged to get involved in student government. I also have a goal of increasing communications on campus so that the entire school community is aware of the issues that are being debated and discussed in the House.
 2. What are your qualifications to serve as Student Government Association vice president?  I have been in leadership roles for the last six years in school, church, sports and in the community. I have served on the House here at TCU for one year now, and I have seen what does and does not work. I currently hold an executive office in my fraternity and have had hands-on experience in making good decisions that affect the larger group. I believe that I bring a vision for the future of TCU that will involve a wider participation of the whole student body, and I am ready to help lead into the new millennium.
 3. What is the No. 1 issue you think the House should take up next year, and what is your suggestion for what the House should do?  I feel that by going into the new year with an open mind to the concerns of the student body, I will be more prepared to deal with specific issues that the students body, as a whole, wants to see changed.
 4. What is the one unique thing you have done as a student at TCU that sets you apart from other students?  If I had to choose one thing, it would be the Christian Fellowship group that I started in my fraternity on Tuesday nights last spring. It is open to both guys and girls who wish to come together for a time of prayer and devotional. This fall, we've added something new by combining the idea of service to the Fort Worth community as a means of showing that we are thankful for all that we have and that we are ready to give back to those who are less fortunate.
 5. What do you see as the job/role of SGA?  To serve as the activator of students' ideas and concerns that will make TCU a better place to be.
 6. How do you define your leadership style?  Very open and sensitive to the concerns of everybody. I also like to believe that I lead by example, and that I am committed to acting in the best interest of others in the community.
 7. With the passage of the referendum and the restructuring of House, how will the role of vice president be affected, and what do you plan to do to ease the transition?  I honestly believe the actual restructuring of House through the new referendum that was passed is basically irrelevant as long as the concerns of the students are being met first. The actual responsibilities of the vice president may shift slightly, but the focus on serving the student body must stay the same.


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