House Vice President Candidate


Ryan Shoemake

Sophomore theater major

Kansas City, KS

 1. What are your goals if elected Student Government Association vice president?  My goals for the House in the year 2000 are to increase House's role in the community by tackling questions and issues that most students don't think House can handle. I want to lead House in new directions and change it from a "club" to a parliament in which students feel real solutions to real problems can be found. My legislative goal is passing the "D.U.A.L.: Diverse Unity and Academic Learning" plan.
 2. What are your qualifications to serve as Student Government Association vice president?  I have been a member of House for one year. During my first semester as a member I was awarded the "Outstanding Member of House" award. I am a member of Prism. I have a knowledge and adeptness at writing and passing legislation. I have an excellent grasp of the workings of a parliament: I have served on the Kansas State Student Congress and have the knowledge and experience necessary to run an effective House.
 3. What is the No. 1 issue you think the House should take up next year, and what is your suggestion for what the House should do?  The No. 1 issue I think House has to deal with is how to translate its resolutions, ideas and solutions into real action. To solve this, I am proposing that House have what I call a University Summit Meeting with the administration over several days and work out a "treaty" or list of agreements about House and administration issues that would be ratified by a joint session of House and Faculty Senate.
 4. What is the one unique thing you have done as a student at TCU that sets you apart from other students?  I can't really think of anything I've done here that somebody else hasn't or couldn't do. But I am fairly unique in that I am studying theater, history and Japanese in preparation for Seminary in Episcopal/Presbyterian Ministry at Yale. I also plan on doing missionary work in Japan. I like to think that very little or nothing sets me apart from other students; I wouldn't be effective in office if I was out of touch or distant.
 5. What do you see as the job/role of SGA?  I see the role of SGA as the great voice of a diverse, unified, intelligent community. The facets of that sort of job are many, spreading across all aspects of a student's time here. Its job is to be a forum, filter, motivator and crusader for student causes, concerns, issues and ideas. The purpose of this government is to protect student rights, and I want this government to be free and open to all students and all ideas.
 6. How do you define your leadership style?  I would describe my leadership style as that of a visionary. I have many ideas that will be difficult to implement. But I believe my vision is tempered by my experience and knowledge of what is feasibly possible with a congress. I am a capable administrator, focusing on issues rather than red tape, and I believe I am just the style of leader to put House on the right track.
 7. With the passage of the referendum and the restructuring of House, how will the role of vice president be affected, and what do you plan to do to ease the transition?  The role of vice president will be affected greatly by the change in structure of SGA. It effectively means that control of most House of Student Representatives functions will be run by the vice president, including running House meetings. I have experience running a legislative body and believe that I will be able to fill the new role quite adequately despite the lack of precedence. I believe a transition under my administration will be quite smooth.


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