Presidential Candidate


James Applebury

Junior chemistry major

Fort Worth, TX

 1. What are your goals if elected Student Government Association president?  My goals are as follows: more expression of diverse ideas; all seats in House of Representatives filled; at least one resolution a week in House; SGA-hosted debates, televised on Channel 47 and published in Skiff; make editor of Skiff member of Intercom; improvements to campus such as a parking garage, lighting for intramural fields, a game room in student center basement, and a dining facility on east campus; more Monday-Wednesday classes so people can schedule a four-day school week.
 2. What are your qualifications to serve as SGA president?  My qualifications are as follows: member of House of Representatives (three semesters), Finance Committee (three semesters), Dining Services Committee (one semester), Elections and Regulation Committee (one semester); member of Traffic Regulations and Appeals Committee; yearbook photo editor; Brachman Hall Council member (one semester).
 3. What is the No. 1 issue you think the House should address next year, and what is your suggestion for what the House should do?  My main issue is to have more people express their ideas. To accomplish this task I plan to have all seats in House of Representatives filled, at least one resolution in House a week and monthly SGA-sponsored forums and debates.
 4. What is the one unique thing you have done as a student at TCU that sets you apart from other students?  I have been photo editor of yearbook for two semesters. It helps me keep track of everything happening around campus.
 5. What do you see as the role/job of SGA?  SGA's first role is to serve as a medium for students to express their ideas and concerns; second as a leader for the student body. They should have the responsibility of organizing political rallies.
 6. What do you think was the greatest triumph of the past administration? What has been the biggest disappointment?  The greatest triumph has been increasing the awareness for the need for diversity. The biggest disappointment is the lack of activity in student government this semester.
 7. What, if anything, needs to be changed about how the House operates?  The House needs to have more resolutions and more accessibility by students.
 8. How do you define your leadership style?  My leadership style is very hands-on. I like to be involved in things to know how they are running. I feel that there are always issues, whether they are chosen to be addressed or not.
 9. Is diversity a problem at TCU? If so, what do you think the House can do to help increase diversity?  Diversity is a problem at TCU. In order for House to address the problem, the House needs to become diverse. To do this, all the seats in House need to be filled. One of the biggest problems with diversity at TCU is that the university addresses people as groups, and not as individuals. Every individual has a completely different background regardless of race, religion or sex.
 10. How do you plan to get the average student more involved in student government?  In general, more accessibility to students' representatives and more representatives in House. Monthly SGA-sponsored debates, forums and rallies should decrease the apathy on campus.


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