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FrogNet still improving

By Kelly Marino
Staff Reporter

When the FrogNet enrollment system went into effect two years ago, it was designed to make the registration process simpler for students and for the registrar’s office, but officials knew they would be dealing with the complications associated with a new software, said Patrick Miller, registrar and director of enrollment management.

He said TCU is more prepared now to deal with any difficulties it may encounter with FrogNet.

However, the registrar’s office spent part of last week coping with recent shutdowns, Miller said.

“The system had around 70 to 80 students using FrogNet, then it was down to seven students and then it would shut down for no apparent reason,” Miller said. “The problem dealt with a bad memory board on FrogNet so Information

Services took it down and replaced it with another one. Now everything seems to be running well again.”

Miller said even though TCU gives students the opportunity to work with advisers or go to a lab to learn how to use FrogNet, officials with the registrar’s office still struggle to get the system to work.

“During the first two to three freshmen orientations in the summer of 1999, we had to monitor the entire system and learn how to respond to each problem we were facing,” Miller said.

Chantel Ford, a junior marketing major, said she really enjoys FrogNet because it allows students to register on their own time instead of during office hours.

“FrogNet is definitely an advantage for students because it makes registering much faster and much easier,” Ford said.
Nikki Morgan, a senior marketing major, said she did not have any problems signing up for classes this semester.

“I will be graduating in December, and a lot of my classes needed permits to get in,” Morgan said. “I am ahead of a lot of other students, so it was an easy and quick process.”

However, Maria Sarabia, a sophomore Spanish and advertising/public relations major, said FrogNet stalled a few times when she was registering for classes, and it took awhile to submit her request.

“After I logged off and then re-signed on to print my schedule, the computer said the server was down,” Sarabia said.
Whatever stress and problems students face when enrolling, Miller said he feels his office is prepared to cope with them.

“We intend to have all people on deck when something happens which will include people with pagers and everyone working in the office,” Miller said. “Things are smooth now, but if something else goes wrong it will be more difficult to deal with because we have solved all the simple problems.”

Kelly Marino


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