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Buzz word
Diversity won’t happen overnight

As the Second Conference on Inclusiveness: Working Together to Create a New Community begins today, diversity is once again at the forefront of the university’s consciousness. Or at least that’s the idea.

We commend the Chancellor’s Council on Diversity and the other organizations who put the event together. We understand what they are trying to do: help students, faculty and educators nationwide further appreciate the impact different cultural perspectives can have on a college campus. We agree their cause is worthwhile and support them in their efforts.

But we are concerned.

TCU’s mission is to educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in a global community. This conference is designed with our mantra in mind.

But if that’s the case, it just fosters the cliché that has become our mission. Instead of addressing societal issues, it will serve as yet another positive, motivating event to promote a buzz word.

Understanding diversity and inclusiveness in not something that happens overnight. Some of the students and professors we encounter every day may never fully grasp its importance.

What worries us is that only a few students and professors will attend the conference. Although we don’t doubt that those individuals who care about this issue can and are having an impact on TCU, we worry their efforts will go unnoticed or be misinterpreted.

The Conference on Inclusiveness should involve everyone at TCU. Every student, faculty member, administrator, alumnus and parent should want to make our university and our nation more accepting to other ideas and people. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case. Diversity is just a buzz word.

Conference officials are trying to reach a lofty goal. It’s one they may never be able to attain, but we wish them the best of luck.

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