- News
Council seeks financing for MLK award
- Officials say more consistent money will allow step
toward diversification
- Watch your clocks, 'cause times are a-changin'
- Time jumps forward one hour Sunday; some prefer to
stay on standard time throughout year
Don't be a Fool
- April Fool's Day provides opportunities for foolishness
Board expects to
- adopt new budget
Dancers host spring concert
- Benefits from performance will go to TCU Guild Scholarship
- Student selected as state finalist for Rhodes Scholarship
- Although Moles did not become national finalist, he
says the selection process was worthwhile
Don't be a Fool

Photo Illustration by Hillary Morgan/SKIFF
Keli Visosky, a freshman fashion promotion major, and
Mallonée Frabotta, a freshman nursing major, take a second glance
at a student with a "kick me" sign on his back. April Fool's
Day is a time for playing practical jokes on friends and family members. |