to the Editor
Community service should be seen as opportunity,
not sacrifice
It shocked
me to read such a negative headline regarding the merits of service
as featured in the March 15 issue of the Skiff. The headline read,
Making Sacrifices: Some students choose helping others over
fun during Spring Break. Service should not be synonymous
with sacrificing fun, it should be seen for what it is: an opportunity.
On a campus
devoted to learning and serving, it is troubling to know that the
connotation of service is still negative to some people. The TCU
mission statement embodies the notion of educating individuals to
be responsible citizens in the community, which implies an element
of service.
The headline
stated that the students would be sacrificing their fun for the
needs of others. Providing service to another person in need or
an organization that depends on the support is a reward in itself.
Positive outcomes of service include strengthening relationships,
providing necessities for people who have very little, witnessing
the sincere gratefulness on peoples faces, realizing the facade
of the prosperity that surrounds us and the desperation of reality
and touching another persons life through your actions.
Sharing your
time, talents and resources is not a burden. It is a responsibility
that should be cherished and regarded in high esteem. I commend
the organizations that embarked on mission trips for Spring Break,
and I know they had genuine fun in helping others.
Paige Reeve
junior speech
communication major
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