March 23, 2000


Police arrest two during campus theft
Teen-agers flee after maintenance men witness act near Physical Plant

Cleveland school considers lawsuit against PeopleSoft
TCU officials say they are pleased with the administrative software

Students forgo sleep to benefit hospital

Worthwhile move
Butz finds enjoyment in work, motorcycle excursions

Theft mess

Sarah Kirschberg/PHOTO EDITOR

Police were dispatched to a car on North Bellaire Drive near the Physical Plant at about 11 a.m. Wednesday after maintenance men witnessed two teen-agers breaking into the car.


'Not here'
TCU is not immune to tragedy

Elián should be with his father
Fight for Cuban boy only hampering relations between U.S., Cuba

U.S. should flag Mars, not just share Pepsi with Europe

Letters to the editor
Police should place more effort on deterring crime, less on ticketing

Thanks & spanks


Jumpin' Java
Some drink it for energy, others drink it for the flavor but most are just simply addicted to it

'American Beauty' tops list of Oscar predictions

Photos by Jimmy Nam/SKIFF STAFF

Carlos Santana, a freshman premajor, makes coffee for students at the TCU bookstore.


Golf team finishes 12th in tournament
Inconsistency is major threat to good team, coach says

Women's tennis team bounces high into tourney
Frogs ranked 30th, on five-match win streak

First-year coach satisfied,
but seeking improvement
Knight needs to examine his own 'bad behavior'

Hillary Morgan/SKIFF STAFF

Senior Jessika Kjellgren hits a forehand in practice. The women's tennis team has won five matches in a row and are ranked 30th in the Intercollegiate Tennis Association polls.

Purple Poll:

Will you be affected by the new scholarship policy?

Yes: 3  No: 60 Huh?: 37


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