merge students talent
Skiff Staff
Students listening
to KKMR-FM 93.3 Merge radio station, one of the leading
radio stations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, may hear some familiar
Some student
disc jockeys who have gotten their start at KTCU-FM 88.7 The
Choice are now crossing over from small-time college radio
to the professional local station.
Cox - Skiff Staff
Shouse, a junior radio-TV-film major, plays music for KTCU
88.7 FM The Choice. Some students such as Dave
Kindred, a junior radio-TV-film major, and alumnus Chip
Adams, who both work for KKMR 93.3 FM, had their starts
at KTCU.
Dave Kindred,
a junior radio-TV-film major, is the program director for KTCU.
He also works as a on-air disc jockey for Merge from 6 to 10 a.m.
Saturdays and Sundays.
Kindred said
he has only worked there for a couple of months, but he said he
stays busy juggling the two jobs and going to school. He said that
during the week, he is in charge of the music directors, coordinates
the shows and oversees the music played on KTCU.
I feel like I have too many oars in the water, but I absolutely
love the jobs, and I really enjoy radio, he said.
Kindred said
the radio station is a part of the sixth largest market for radio
in the nation, playing a mix between 1980s and 90s alternative
rock and the popular alternative rock of today.
Andy Haskett,
a radio-TV-film professor and the station manager for KTCU, said
the music KTCU plays in the evenings is similar to the music played
on Merge.
I think
the radio station hired (TCU students) because the people (at Merge)
are confident about the students personalities, and know they
are familiar with what the targeted audiences want to hear,
Haskett said.
TCU has had
a history of former students who have worked for the rock radio
station, including alumnus Chip Adams.
Adams, known
for his show Night Merge with Chip Adams, and Jay Sanchez,
production manager at Merge, helped make the connection between
Kindred, Pauli Wright, a junior radio-TV-film major, and 93.3 FM.
Haskett said
Sanchez asked him to let some experienced students know about the
job opportunity.
I mentioned
the job to a few of my top students and told them to give the radio
station a call, Haskett said. Little did I know that
they all would
get hired for the job.
Adams and Sanchez
were unavailable for comment.
Wright, music
director for KTCU, said she has worked at the Merges switchboards
for certain events for a month and a half. She said she expects
to have her first on-air show sometime next weekend.
is a wonderful job that teaches you a lot about responsibility and
a lot about production, Wright said. I may have less
of a social life now, but it is an amazing opportunity for Dave
and I, being that we are so young and still in school.
Wright said
working for the radio station allows her to bring her basic understanding
of how things run professionally while still having fun.
It is a great place to be able to show off your talent, and
it will look good on my résumé, she said.