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Job well done
Growing numbers deserves praise

The office of admissions announced this week that undergraduate applications have increased this year by more than 18.5 percent, so far, and that number will be even higher when the application deadline comes.

This is a record-breaking number of applications for TCU.

Ray Brown, dean of admissions, said the spotlight that has been set on TCU in the past year has been a key factor in applications increasing.

He said the publicity that was received when the football team was ranked in the top 10 and LaDainian Tomlinson was nominated for the Heisman Trophy is more than could have bought in advertising.

However, the football team is not the only reason applications have increased this year.

Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs William Koehler said his colleagues at the admissions office are the best in the country and he is not surprised by the application results.

Koehler, you are right, the office of admissions has done a remarkable job recruiting students to our school.

Such a great a job that the percentage of students who are actually attending TCU after receiving an acceptance letter is 38 percent, which is higher than any of our competing schools.

The Princeton Review 2000 Edition reported last year that Southern Methodist University yielded 35 percent and Trinity University only yielded 31 percent.

Let’s see those schools try to catch up with our numbers.

The only problem is TCU set its eyes on mainly Texas students. This campus could use a little more diversity.

Besides that little problem, the office of admissions does need a pat on the back, but so does the marketing department and the admissions recruiting team and the ... oh, well forget it, let’s rephrase that. Everybody at TCU who has worked so hard to make this school a better place deserves praise.

Congratulations, TCU, on a job well done.


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