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Career Services
Take time to prepare for future

For upperclassmen who still have no idea what they are going to do with their lives after graduation, there is stillone chance left.

Career Night is designed to help college students hook up with prospective employers.Since TCU is taking a step in the right direction to help students obtain a job, then it seems only fair that students also take a step forward to aid in their future.

A résumé is a good step to the future. For many students who have never thought of making one, it’s time to wise up and get with the program.

Career Services offers several easy ways to create a résumé, and they can even help you post it on the Internet for employers to see.

For students who still have not taken advantage of this offer and still don’t have a résumé, hurry up. Career Services is not going to hold your hand the whole time.

And don’t worry, the number of students who have no idea what the future holds for them is not small, but it could be if enough people would show up at Career Night.

We are paying all of this money to get an education so we might as well put it to good use.

Career Night only happens once a year and this year it doesn’t need to be passed by.

Many people would die to have an opportunity to have so many prospective employers in one room. So take advantage of this great opportunity that the university has given students and take your resumes over to the Daniel-Meyer Coliseum tonight and make your parents proud.

You never know, you might actually walk away with a job. Now that’s a wild idea.


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