to the editor
Valentines Day editorial offensive, not appropriate
in paper
I just wanted
to write and say that Ill never hold the Skiff in high regard
again because of the offensive Valentines Day editorial by
your managing editor Laura Head.
The editorial
was bitter, rude and vulgar. Sure, it was her opinion and shes
entitled to it. But she offended me deeply by bashing a simple holiday
that ironically is all about love and compassion. There are better
ways she could have established her point, and next time I hope
she employs them. I, personally, plan on not reading another of
her articles.
This is a higher
education institution, one where great minds are formed. Do you
really want to degrade our university by printing this filth? The
most offensive line was this:
holiday, brought to you by Hallmark and the people who gave us decorated
paper to wipe our asses with, is nothing more than a commercialized
day of making out.
Are we no better
than to print articles by people with mouths in the gutter? Is this
the way that Head will write once she is out in the real world?
If so, I am sorry for all the people who will be subjected to reading
such trash. I do know one thing, I will not be one of them.
A disgruntled
ex-Skiff reader,
freshman premajor
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to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication.
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