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Music in the air
Practice rooms desperately needed

There’s music in the air, but it’s only because TCU’s music majors are practicing outside in front of Ed Landreth Hall.

It’s been said that practice makes perfect, and for music majors, practice is everything. And time to practice is precious. Music majors are being forced to choose — spend hours looking for an appropriate space to practice, or settle for practicing in their dorm rooms with the window open, hoping not to frustrate everyone else who lives in the hall.

The School of Music prides itself in a strong program, and frequently praises its talented students. The university depends on these same individuals to pump up the crowd at sporting events.

These students provide TCU with a valuable service. They help us sing our alma mater. They help us celebrate Valentine’s Day. They help us pass Survey of Music.

Now it’s our turn. It is time for the administration to take a hard look at how they can better serve TCU’s music students.

It is time for music students to have the space they need to do what they love.

There are 169 music majors and several hundred other music students who use Ed Landreth Hall’s nine practice rooms.

It is time for the nine rooms to become 20, 30 or 40 rooms.

It is time to show these students the respect they deserve.

Editorial policy: The content of the Opinion page does not necessarily represent the views of Texas Christian University. Unsigned editorials represent the view of the TCU Daily Skiff editorial board. Signed letters, columns and cartoons represent the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board.

Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, signed and limited to 250 words. To submit a letter, bring it to the Skiff, Moudy 291S; mail it to TCU Box 298050; e-mail it to or fax it to 257-7133. Letters must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. The Skiff reserves the right to edit or reject letters for style, taste and size restrictions.

