Race Ranking
Cultural events dont mean diversity
Black History Month.
Hispanic Heritage Week.
Italian Hour.
This is TCUs way of ranking the races of
the diverse campus.
With 16 days left in February, there are still
10 more events celebrating Black History Month. Exhibitions, speakers,
video presentations and gospel choirs will grace TCU with their
presence for the first real celebration of Black History Month in
the past four years.
However, the 16 events spread throughout the month
are more than seven times the amount of events sponsored by the
university during Hispanic Heritage Month.
But quality over quantity right?
Last years Hispanic Heritage Months
events were limited to a jalapeño-eating contest and a salsa
dance competition, nothing even close to the caliber of events Black
History Month includes.
TCUs idea of monthly, cultural celebrations
is nothing more than a ranking of races. If there was a celebration
for the Russian or Italian facets of our campus, the celebration
may be nothing more than a vodka-drinking or pizza-eating contest.
But the ranking of the races doesnt stop there.
Programming Councils inequality in sponsorship
of events only fuels the fire. Faculty involvement and attendance
only further solidifies each cultures position on campus.
For a university that preaches diversity, why
does it emphasize one races heritage over another?
Granted, there are larger populations of one group
on campus than another, but an entire month in comparison to a jalapeño-eating
contest is ridiculous.
If TCU ever manages to diversify the campus, maybe
it will then realize that equality among cultures is just as important
as a diverse school.
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