Sermon kicks off Ministers Week
By Bethany McCormack
Staff Reporter
When the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. spoke from
the pulpit of the University Christian Church, his words were meant
to inspire current and past Brite Divinity students and other ministers.
The sermon began the universitys celebration of Ministers
Dont worry, your blessing is on the
way, Wright said to a packed audience in his sermon Monday
TCU, along with UCC, has sponsored Ministers Week
for the past five decades. Activities include lectures, sermons,
workshops and worship services.
Wright delivered the first of three sermons he
will give as part of nightly worship services planned throughout
the week.
Wright has been the pastor of Trinity United Church
of Christ in Chicago since February 1972. He is also the author
of four books and numerous articles. His books include When
Black Men Stand Up for God: Reflections on the Million Man March,
No Other Help I Know: Sermons on Prayer and Spirituality
and Africans Who Shaped our Faith: A Study of 10 Biblical
Wright spoke about waiting on the Lord, drawing
from a passage in the book of John.
Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. kicks off Ministers Week Monday
night with a sermon on waiting on the Lord. Ministers Week
runs through Thursday.
Sometimes you get tired of waiting and take
yourself where you arent supposed to be, he said. The
Lord will find you.
William Carlson, a sophomore vocal performance
major, said Wright was a dynamic speaker.
Wait and your blessing will come,
spoke to me, Carlson said. I can relate that to deciding
a major and picking a good career.
Kyle Herron, an associate minister at Park Hill
Christian Church in Kansas City, Mo., said he came to Ministers
Week to reconnect with friends and to spend time in worship. He
is a 1996 graduate of Brite Divinity School.
(Ministers) spend a lot of time leading
and preparing worship, so we dont get to do much worship ourselves,
he said.
Herron said Wrights message was something he and other ministers
needed to hear.
Hes the kind of preacher we look to
hear, because it gives us encouragement and inspiration that we
sometimes dont have, Herron said.
Wright will also be speaking 8 p.m. tonight and
Wednesday during services at UCC.
Daryl Schmidt, chairman of the religion department,
said Ministers Week is a joint project of the Brite Divinity School
and the religion department, and it is open to all who wish to attend.
(Ministers Week) serves, in part, to invite
(alumni) back to campus and provide them continued education,
he said. There is no registration and students are invited
to attend.
Schmidt said all students are encouraged to come
hear world-class scholars speak. The week provides a chance for
other ministers to come together and hear stimulating lectures,
he said.
Bethany McCormack