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House looks for reps
Members leave for GPA, personal reasons

By Jonathan Sampson
Staff Reporter

If the House of Student Representatives looks a little different at its first meeting tonight, it might be because of all the empty seats.

Because some students didn’t make the required 2.5 GPA and others simply decided they could no longer be involved, there are a number of representative positions open in the House, said Amy Render, House vice president.

“Hopefully, we can get it all taken care of before the first meeting,” Render said.

She said those who are interested in positions should contact their hall directors. If there are more people interested in a residence hall than there are positions open, the Student Government Association will hold elections. Otherwise, those interested will automatically get the position, Render said.

“(The election process is) really kind of a mess right now,” she said.

The matter became complicated when the Elections and Regulations Committee chairman, Michael Redic, was unable to fulfill is obligations due to House regulations, and Render began heading the representative election process, she said.Redic was unavailable for comment regarding his reasons for leaving the organization.

Render said the SGA Executive Board appointed John Billingsley as the new Elections and Regulations Committee chairman Jan. 23. The position is usually elected, but the election codes state in the event of a problem the board appoints a replacement, Render said.

Grant Hewitt, Moncrief Hall representative last semester, said he could not return to his position for academic reasons, but he was not planning to return anyway. He said he feels nothing gets done in SGA to help the students.

“If you really want to help and benefit the students, student government isn’t the place to do it,” Hewitt said.

He said he was not sure if his feelings were similar to those of other representatives, but a lot of people he talked with were annoyed that nothing was being accomplished by student government for the students.

Render said she believes the new leadership can change that outlook this year.

“Once we get started off, I think we can really accomplish something this semester,” she said.

Render said some students have expressed interest in becoming hall representatives, and she said House will not move forward until all students have had an opportunity to show interest in the positions.

Lindsey Alexiou, a junior theater major, said the representative turnover was surprising to her, and she said she believes it will slow things down for SGA in the beginning.

“The representatives may have been active and worked hard, and now, instead of focusing on issues, they will have to take time to re-elect,” she said.

Craig Davis, a freshman music education major, said he believes the change will affect the way the group functions, but he said he is not concerned.

“I think any group of people could do well in the SGA,” he said.

Scott McCray, House parliamentarian, said the representative turnover rate varies from year to year.

“Turnover is a little higher this year than last,” he said. “It’s a little skewed, though, because many reps moved to chair positions.”

Other newly appointed positions include: Abby Crawford as House historian, and Christopher Mattingly as the dining services sub chair of the University Affairs Committee, Render said.

Crawford was appointed by Render after the previous historian, Joshua Hawkins, resigned.

Hawkins, a sophomore movement science major, said he was unable to fill the historian position because he did not make the required GPA.

Marcus Kain, University Affairs Committee chairman who appointed Mattingly, said the position was added to provide an area of focus within the committee.

Render said the first House meeting, held at 5 p.m. today in the Student Center, Room 222, will primarily involve assigning people to committees. She said a new member orientation session will follow the meeting.

Jonathan Sampson


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