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No thanks guys
TCU Police not protecting students

After two cars were broken into near campus Thursday, Det. Kelly Ham of the TCU Police said area security will not increase. However, Ham said officers will try to pay attention to cars and the lots.

Gee, thanks for all the effort, guys. And while we’re thanking you for all your hard work, we’d like to express our appreciation for other things you have done for the students:

Give us a minute ...

Thanks for baby-sitting the parking lots while we go to class. Thanks for making sure we don’t park outside the lines. Thanks for guarding the mailroom entrance to Sadler Hall. In other words, thanks for nothing.

The only contact many students have with campus police officers is when he or she gets a parking ticket, which tends to leave a bit of a sour impression of TCU Police. But students who know officers see a more personal side of policing.

TCU Police, you need to step out of your fancy-shmancy SUVs for a few minutes and do some actual serving and protecting. Establish relationships with us. Get to know names and faces of people who belong here. Stop “trying” to pay attention to cars and parking lots, and start paying attention to us.

This is about more than parking problems. This is about a campus police department that is generally not respected by the student body.

Now is a golden opportunity to earn that respect. The Fort Worth Police Department has a much broader area to cover. Do something for the students.

We know where we’re supposed to park and where we’re not. Now we want to know that our cars are safe on and near campus. We want to know that you’re actively seeking to protect us and our property.

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