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Art faculty to display works at annual exhibition
‘Insights’ to include professor, student works in various types of media

By Angie Chang
Skiff Staff

The TCU art faculty will display its works in an annual exhibition titled “Insights” which opens Monday.

Ron Watson, chairman of the art department, said the exhibition will feature recent works by studio art and graphic design faculty that will be displayed in the exhibition hall. Student art selected by the faculty will be displayed in the halls of the first and second floor of Moudy Building North.

“The exhibition is essentially an open house that allows the TCU community to see what is happening in the art department,” Watson said. “It’s also a good chance for the art students to see what their professors are doing.”

Watson said there will be a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday and the faculty and student artists will be available for commentary on their pieces during that time. The art studios will be open as well so that visitors can see works in progress.

Susan Harrington, associate professor of art and art history, said the new works on display will include various media ranging from painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and graphic arts.

“The exhibition shows growth in the faculty,” Harrington said. “Each year there’s something different because people change, and it can be gradual or abrupt. Sometimes the faculty doesn’t have a chance to see what everyone is doing because we’re all busy, but (the exhibition) lets us see what everyone is up to.”

Michael Niblett, assistant professor of graphic design, said TCU is a research university and through new works, the art faculty remain active in their fields.

“In the fine arts, we call our research creative activity, and with the exhibition we display that activity,” Niblett said.

Marci Hamilton, a sophomore studio art major, said the exhibition will give art students a chance to learn through observation of their teacher’s works.

“Teaching can be done through illustration as well as verbally,” she said.

The works will be on display until Feb. 16, and admission is free.

Angie Chang

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