Senate approves core curriculum model
By Amy Johnson
Staff Reporter
The Faculty Senate approved the core curriculum committees
proposed revision Thursday. A final version of the new
core is expected by April 1.
Faculty Senate members voted Thursday to approve the
basic model of the core curriculum committees
proposed revision.
The motion also requested that the committee produce
a final version of the core by April 1 that would be
subject to the approval of the Senate and the faculty,
said Peggy Watson, Faculty Senate chairwoman.
Were giving a stamp of approval to a work
in progress, she said. The next step will
be to poll all faculty to get their feedback, but the
final vote will be in the spring.
The committee is the seventh body in two years to attempt
a revision of the core.
Andy Fort, Faculty Senate assistant secretary, said
the Senate is not endorsing the core as final and said
he understands the model might undergo changes in the
Chancellor Michael Ferrari said the final proposal should
be sent to the Board of Trustees if approved by all
Fort said committee members have agreed to work on the
core revision another semester.
A huge amount of work has been done by this committee,
Fort said. I want them to feel deeply thanked.
Ferrari said he is pleased with the progress and the
effort of the committee members.
The committee members outstanding effort,
patience and work has brought us to a point thats
really quite exciting to see, he said. It
will open a new chapter to the intellectual life of
the university.
Nowell Donovan, geology professor and committee member,
said the next steps for the committee are to assimilate
input from stakeholders, refine the model, clarify the
course approval process, accumulate an inventory of
courses that fulfill the outcomes requirements and address
advising concerns.

Moncrief Chair of Geology Noel Donovan discusses
the proposed plan for the new university curriculum
requirements with the faculty senate Wednesday
afternoon in the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors