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Thursday, December 5, 2002
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Letters to the Editor

Views expressed in column go against Christian beliefs

While on campus in early November I purposely sought out a copy of the school newspaper. I was very curious to see what the reaction was to the results of the mid-term elections. Surely, I reasoned, a “Christian” university would be ecstatic about the resounding Republican victories nationwide.

James Zwilling’s commentary in the Nov. 8 issue of the Skiff proved me wrong and confirmed that ignorance can exist anywhere.

The Republican Party is far from perfect and makes some very bad decisions (i.e. passing hate crimes legislation, allowing illegal aliens to immigrate here and kowtowing to the new age globalist communists at the United Nations).

The Democrats, however, run on a platform that makes voting Republican a no-brainer. Their ideology is bankrupt and their socialist agenda does not resonate with the American people, a point that was proven at the polls Nov. 6.

I hope Mr. Zwilling’s views are not those of the university. If they are then it might be time to remove the “C” from TCU. It is impossible for a Christian to reconcile with voting Democrat. A platform that supports killing the unborn, homosexual rights, outrageous taxation and considers rocks, trees and the environment more valuable than mankind, is not compatible with biblical truth. College students should never let higher education get in the way of good common sense. Thankfully, the people of America lived by that motto on election day and said no thank-you to the Democrats.

— Steve Stoecker, Arlington resident


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