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hotels funding opposition to citys plans
The Citizens for Taxpayers Rights
is leading a petition drive to force a referendum on
the City Councils plan to build a city-owned hotel.
Its backers say it is protecting tax payers, but supporters
of building the downtown hotel say it is trying to squelch
potential competition.
By Sarah McClellan
Photo Editor
the outside

editor/Sarah McClellan
warmer weather, a class Thursday was held outside in
front of the Mary Couts Burnett Library.
Fund raising a principle concern
Administrators say the current fund-raising
campaign will encounter difficulties in part because
of a weak economy. Despite this, the university will
campaign to meet the largest goal in TCU history.
By Colleen Casey
News Editor
organize to promote diversity
A Task Force is set to spread awareness
about diversity throughout the campus by involving the
Faculty Senate and various organizations in their cause.
By Joi Harris
Staff Reporter
SGA Elections
The Skiff e-mailed questions to the 10
candidates running for Student Government Association
offices earlier this week. We are printing the answers
unedited as a service to the student body.