Scooners owner aims for of age crowd
Scooners has reopened with a different
attitude, its new owner says. The pub was shut down
under its previous ownership for serving alcohol to
By Antoinette Vega
Staff Reporter
Scooners new owner says the TCU-area pub will never
be called the underage bar again.
Chris Baker, who took ownership in September, said more
efforts are being put toward advertising and programming
to detract customers from pubs in downtown Fort Worth
and to bring in a different type of clientele.
Just because we are located next to a college
campus and have name recognition, does not mean we dont
need to advertise, Baker said. The more
advertising we do, the more people we can bring in.
He said he would like to work with the pubs on University
Street to bring back the customers lost to places such
as The Library and The Fox & Hound.
Baker recently bought a black 2003 BMW Mini Cooper,
displaying the Scooners logo that he plans to drive
around the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He also plans to
place advertisements in Fort Worth Weekly.
Scooners reopened Oct. 2 after its permit was revoked
by the Texas Alcoholic and Beverage Commission July
9 because of 28 citations for serving alcohol to minors
under the former ownership of Paul Humphries.
Scooners will not be a target for inspections anymore
than it had been before, said TABC Sgt. Robert Cloud.
Just because Scooners was in trouble in the past
does not mean they will be in trouble again, Cloud
said. Since Scooners, along with the other bars
on University Street are in an area surrounded by young
adults, it will be visited more than other places.
Baker said by increasing the variety of alcohol offered
and offering theme nights, Scooners is targeting a more
sophisticated crowd.
You wont be able to find someone young enough
to wear braces in this bar anymore, Baker said.
I want to make this bar appealing to juniors,
seniors and older.
Some think he is already succeeding.
Jeff Pavell, a senior marketing major, said he went
to Scooners when he was a sophomore because Scooners
failed to check drivers licenses. He said he prefers
the new Scooners over the previous one because of the
difference in the crowd.
Before, Scooners used to be packed wall to wall
with students who were mostly under 21, Pavell
said. Now, it is more laid back and its
enjoyable to be around people who are more mature.

editor/Sarah McClellan
a popular bar on S. University Drive, reopened
last month after being shut down for TABC violations.