TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Friday, October 18, 2002
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Letters to the Editor
Theater season is off to a great start, come see a play

When we take pride in the accomplishments of the TCU community, we tend to look at the usual suspects: our athletic teams, beautiful campus and academics. But there are many other great things going on in our midst and I’d like to call attention to one that we perhaps take for granted. The TCU theater department is having an exceptional year.

“Ah, Wilderness!” directed by Dr. T.J. Walsh was a deeply moving and extremely entertaining experience. The current production, “Two Feet Away and Shouting,” is an extraordinary accomplishment. Not only was this funny, articulate and poignant play written by a student, Tim Dragga, but it was also directed by one. Jaime Castaneda has staged this work with wit, passion and sensitivity. He evokes multi-dimensional performances from all the actors, which is especially remarkable considering that two of the leading players had to take over their roles about one week before opening night.

Joshua Doss and Molly Mitchell head up the very talented cast, including Ardis Campbell and David Fluitt (whose last scene together is as moving as any I’ve seen in recent years on any stage). The sets, lights and costumes were designed with intelligence and artistry by Angela Sanson, Cristina O. Arlauskas and Cody Perret respectively. David C. Petersen designed the sound and is stage manager for the complex play. And scene artist Kelly Norwood brought the sets to life with craft and precision.

These designers and artists are all undergraduates and the quality, sophistication and magnitude of their work cannot be overstated. I urge you not to take these superstars for granted. If you missed “Two Feet Away and Shouting,” it will be performed in Plano on Wednesday as part of the American College Theater Festival, which is pretty much the NCAA playoffs of college theater. Last year’s entry, “La Llorona,” narrowly missed appearing at the “Finals” at the Kennedy Center. We have a great shot at making it “all the way” this year. We all should take notice — and be proud.

— Richard Allen associate professor of radio-TV-film


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